About the Centre

The RODOS Transport Systems Development Centre (Centrum pro ROzvoj DOpravních Systémů) is currently the biggest active subject in the field of applied transport research with focus on road transport monitoring and control as well as its funding. The centre consists of three biggest technical universities, one public research institution and six commercial companies that rank among leading players in the fields of IT, software, data collection and practical implementation of intelligent transport systems on the Czech market. The RODOS centre’s activities are co-funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Strategic objective of the Centre is to create complex information superstructure for road transport by means of new transport informatics tools and to integrate it into existing telematic systems. Dynamic Mobility Model of the Czech Republic (DMM integrates dynamic models of passenger, vehicle and goods mobility and related information in the entire area of the Czech Republic) represents the core of the RODOS centre which is to address 6 fundamental and mutually complement transport research thematic groups in the following 6 years. The model and its operation will be utilized extensively not just in transport and other network industries but also in processes of the state and public administration or during future implementation of so-called Smart Cities concepts. In our opinion, the operation and continuous development of the DMM presents necessary but not sufficient condition for the progress of intelligent transport systems in the Czech Republic towards thriving knowledge society.


The Centre is funded by “Competence centres" programme for the support of long term cooperation between private and public sector in research, development and innovations, operated by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and co-funded by the centre’s partners. The centre is being established with the idea of promoting continuous improvement in competitiveness of the Czech Republic in the field of intelligent traffic systems and it is planned to stay active even after termination of the financial support. Duration of the financial support for the centre: 1.5. 2012 – 31. 12. 2018 Total budget of the centre: 211 800 000 Kč 70 % of the funds were provided by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project partners contributed remaining 30 % from their own sources.

Grounds for creation of the centre

Transport network in the Czech Republic faces an impact of passenger and goods mobility while it is impossible to expand its capacity easily. It is therefore necessary to search for other ways of transport monitoring, modelling, control and efficient charging. Such a demanding task has to be solved using the state of the art methods, the best technologies available and in compliance with the needs of public as well as commercial sector interests. For that reason, the RODOS was created as part of the IT4Innovations national supercomputing centre. The RODOS connects top-class technical universities, specialized scientific institutions and local industry leading companies into the association that has not only ambitious plans but also potential and actual power to make them come true. As researchers, we are aware of strategic location of the Czech Republic in the middle of Europe. We observe trends abroad and will design such systems that enable cooperation with neighboring countries´ applications.

Where to find us

The RODOS centre is composed of the subjects from all over the Czech Republic but it operates under the auspices of the VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava. This is the place you can see on the map as a virtual seat of the RODOS centre. VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava also backs up the IT4Innovations centre of excellence whose supercomputer provides necessary capacity for processing and storing huge amounts of traffic data.